Saturday, February 5, 2011

How Much Can Wood Support

Minneola - Curd filling

Lemon Curd ... is an English specialty on bread I've read this week at Steph are you looking here I became a fan of oranges with lemons .......... so what is it safe with oranges.

And for dessert, it is also excellent.

ingredients for the curd

2 oranges untreated .......... I had Turkish minneolas

300 g sugar
75 g butter brand
2 Eier ganz
2 Eigelb


Die Schalen der Orangen fein abreiben - dann den Saft auspressen.

Saft und abgeriebene Schale mit der Butter und dem Zucker in einen breiten Topf geben und langsam erhitzen, bis Butter und Zucker vollständig geschmolzen sind. Dann alles wieder abkühlen lassen.

Die Eier nach und nach hineinrühren und die Mischung unter ständigem Rühren langsam wieder erwärmen (erwärmen, but not heat - this is important).

Now stir, stir, stir, and if you still have helping hands .......... Quiet with clamp .... until the cream sticks to the spoon ne lasts half an hour. Buy it in small screw-glasses and tightly. I have 2 jars get out ........ try to completely sufficient .... I thought that stuff has Suchtfakor ............. .........
1 glass away ......... I have the same one in the bread and I have tried the rest now made the chocolate cake ....... I have now ran again.

The Curd holds about 3 months. It is (nicely packaged) also good to give away.

Schokoteig ingredients.

6 eggs 180 gr sugar

50g cornflour 1 tsp baking powder

60 grams butter 150 grams flour liquid

2 tablespoons dark cocoa

the eggs with the sugar until fluffy thick open, add the butter and continue well verrühren.Das Mix flour, cocoa, cornstarch and baking powder and fold in the egg mixture sieben.Mit a whisk. give
into a baking paper lined tin and about 20 minutes at 180 degree oven.
outdone After cooling with starter rings always 2 parts fit.

In the middle of the Curd enter and place a second part above.

If you want to fill a cake ........... so I would give gelatin into the mixture.
For the cake was the stability it is sufficient enough but I do not think for a pie I try Werds ........... ......


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