Monday, February 7, 2011

Cost Of Treatment For Broken Capillaries

Apfelkuchen nach Grandma's recipe for chocolate cake with

Rezept von Oma geklaut und gebacken hat ihn das Geburtstagskind höchst selbst.............mein Jüngster


300 gr flour
150 gr
butter 125 gr sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1 teaspoon baking powder ---------+ 1 egg ----- ----
5 apples rolled about 750 gr
1 pinch cinnamon
1 packet vanilla sugar
0.5 package vanilla pudding mix

4 tablespoons powdered sugar and the juice of one lemon


butter, sugar and vanilla sugar mix, process flour and baking powder to a Knead dough and rest for half an hour in the fridge

in time the diced apples in a bowl and sprinkle with the Msp cinnamon, and once stir, then this with the vanilla make

The custard powder purely loyal and again stir for 15 minutes. let stand

Grease a spring form and make 2 / 3 of dough into bottom and edge verarbeiten.Die apples fill

the cover from the remaining dough and place

Bake at 190 ° C 50-60 min

When the cake from the oven stir lemon juice and powdered sugar that the mass is light creamy and spread on the hot cake with a brush


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