Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Chicken Wings From A Wholesaler

Reasons for huge global fish kills identified

Redondo Beach 

Wellness oder Demonstration?

 D ie Menschen pilgern in Massen zum Hafen der kalifornischen Kleinstadt Redondo Beach. Dort haben sich abertausende Fische in den Hafen begeben. Der Grund für dieses Verhalten war lange unklar. Jetzt steht fest, der Wasserstoffgehalt des Wassers ist rapide abgesunken So schreibt in ihrem Artikel. . 
Was wird aus Wasser, wenn es keinen Wasserstoff contains more? Well, the answer is easy. Oxygen. Pure oxygen. ? It is therefore this is a major collaborative wellness tour of the fish
Others, however, believe that the focus of the city on the conservation and welfare of its population of marine mammals - mainly seals and sea lions - the other marine life to a wake up call for rural residents - especially homo sapiens neanderthalensis -.
so would have led a demonstration?

wellness or demonstration?
These two views are in the peer of Redondo Beach by pilgrims remains controversial. Which view will prevail in the future is, according to the local press and generally well-informed circles still unclear.


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