Friday, February 4, 2011

Schematicfor A Dishwasher

What now? Ban Klonfleisch?

Dolly thing is done. Not
? But!
Dolly the cloned sheep in 1997.
Or should we rather say 1984?

The sheep Dolly (July 5, 1996, † 14 February 2003) was a Welsh mountain sheep and the first cloned mammal from a differentiated somatic cell. (Wiki)

the dioxin scandal goes straight to Nirvana, to discuss the ... There's already over Klonfleisch. How should we assess that now? Has the percentage of Klonfleisch Total production from the rotten meat has increased so much that needs to be seriously thought about a law? Or are the forecasts in the future to be prepared, should start the meat industry to want to bang shut it?

Brussels - European Parliament and EU Council of Ministers unable to agree on how to deal with Klonfleisch in food. Although all sides had agreed that should be imposed for the coming year moratorium on food from cloned animals, the Hungarian EU presidency said in the night to Thursday. However, there was no convergence on the question of how strictly within the moratorium should be. Source: And again

I wonder what else the hatch so ...


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