What are the foundations for spiritual growth?
first Sign
The will look inward to try to look strong (wisdom eye).
"All spiritual practice has only one goal. The dissolution of the self-centeredness"
"Leave it up on the more important of the two witnesses: foreign assessment vs self-assessment.."
is really my mind little guided by self-centered motivations? Or is it only seems to be so different? The wisdom eye shows dominate the thoughts and motivations in mind.
second Sign
The activity of the wisdom eye begins to feel ashamed of his less self-centered thoughts. The mental phenomena seem so in any direction. So even in those where it could all too easily embarrassed. But through the practice, they are recognized. They are still existent, but this inner "moving together" does not apply if they are aware of. We relaxed in dealing with them.
third Sign
Take the inner values up more space. In turn, increases the serenity and the joy of life. "Little things" of daily life are experienced in meditation through the acceptance of less importance. The clarity, openness, of ease, the reliability and authenticity of a person grows.
4th Sign
non - self-satisfaction means to be aware that the road is not completed. It is a continuous process the growth of, learning - we keep all students constantly - even a Buddha is still learning it.
5th Sign
The firm will continue to want to strengthen the view inside, trying to keep the mirror clean of self-reflection, even if can be reported "success".
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