Espresso Tarteletts mit Obstsalat und Amarettosahne
Zutaten für 10 bis 12 Stk
250 gr Mehl
40 gr Speisestärke
50 gr Puderzucker
125 gr Butter
2 Eigelb
Für die Füllung
190 gr Butter
100 gr brauner Zucker
6 EL Schlagsahne
3 EL Mehl
3 Teel Espressopulver
3 EL Kaffeelikör
1 EL gehackte Mandeln
Für den Obstsalat
Obst der Saison
2 EL Honig
1 kleiner Becher Naturjoguhrt
Ausserdem noch Sahne und Amaettolikör oder Amarettosirup
Aus den Zutaten für Knead dough and make the dough one place for one hour in the refrigerator.
Preheat the oven to 170 degrees.
tartlet forms ausfetten, roll out the dough thinly
and line the tartlet molds with it.
the bottom with a fork several times and 10 minutes baking.
caramelize In the meantime, the sugar for the filling and the butter zugeben.Alles simmer briefly.
cream and flour scaffolding in the molasses and simmer briefly.
with 6 tablespoons water and stir the espresso powder together with the Kaffeeelikor to sugar mixture geben.ebenfals again boiled up.
The baked cake from oven and coat with sugar mixture, sprinkle with the chopped almonds .. and again for about 10 minutes in the oven.
to cool before serving.
Wash the fruit and cut into small cubes.
short warm the honey and mix with the lemon juice and Joguhrt.
Pour over the diced fruit.
stiff Whip the cream and give it some sugar and 2 tablespoons Amaretto or syrup.
the fruit salad spread on the cake and serve with a dollop of whipped cream.
This fits well but also a delicious ice cream.
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