Today I have another big step in my stocking done. Technically seen as taste .
My youngest and I have herumgetüftelt to a fungal basis.
What has come of it ............. a very intense mushroom spice
I've also now tried the recipe ......... I blog after.
In any case I can I feel good vorstellen.Die as the basis of mushroom soup or a mushroom risotto tastes but simply on a piece of bread well
With this basis, I'm now in a few minutes, a delicious Sößchen magic.
I packed it into small jars and pickled ...... on the shelf I can therefore say nothing.
pickled sure a few months .... dawned in the refrigerator a few days.
Man the whole can of course also in ice cube trays and freeze in portions.
Ingredients: 500 gr
fresh mushrooms 2 large onions
2 cloves garlic 2 tablespoons herb paste you looking at my
40 gr dried gemischte.Pilze
about 40
grams butter 200 ml olive oil
salt and pepper.
Soak the dried mushrooms in water.
the mushrooms, onion and garlic and brush roll.
a frying pan with the butter and die Zwiebel und Knoblauch anschwitzen.Danach die Pilze zugeben und mit anbraten.
Wenn sie Wasser ziehen ,soweit einreduzieren bis das Wasser verdunstet ist.Danach die eingeweichten Pilze mitsamt dem Einweichwasser und der Kräuterpaste zufügen.Mit Salz und Pfeffer pikant abschmecken .
Wieder einreduzieren lassen bis alles Wasser verdampft ist.
Etwas erkalten lassen.
Anschließend in den Mixer geben und langsam das Öl zulaufen lassen bis die Masse schön pasteus ist.
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