Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Free Clip Art March Break

Orangen Cous -Cous mit Limetten -Crevetten

I am so excited ............. this recipe I have last year in August by the journal

My family & I submitted. And today I got message ...... they want to publish it.

because I have not even thought of starting ......... and I do for fun in competitions with ...... this is now my second release ......... ... because I can think of .... dieTorte I would also post yet .......... with my luck at the moment .... I actually had to play Lotto times .... laughing

Can someone give me feedback, perhaps I've uploaded images ....... ........ I see them too, but apparently some other nicht.
Woran kann das liegen?


125 gr Cous Cous
1 Orange
1 rote Zwiebel
1 Knoblauchzehe
ein paar Zweige Zitronenthymian
Limettenbutter selbstgemacht
ca 300 ml Hühnerfond
400 gr Crevetten
Zitronepfeffer ,Orangenpfeffer,Kurkuma,
etwas Olivenöl


Die Orange heiß abwaschen und dünn abschälen.Die Orange filetieren.Thymian von den Stengel zupfen die Hühnerbrühe mit einem 1/2 TL Kurkuma,Orangenschalen und Orangenpfeffer aufkochen .abschalten und the couscous in it for 5 min to swell. In the meantime, the onion and garlic and cut into thin rings or slices.

In a large frying pan the onion, thyme and garlic anschwitzen.Den couscous and orange juice together with the fillets in the pan and mix well together. At the same time in a second pan a good piece of lemon butter and heat the shrimp season is lemon pepper. drape

With rings on the appetizer platter and the shrimp verteilen.ausgarnieren about it and enjoy. Was made saulecker and 20 min.


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