Good music gets under your skin. The pleasant sensation that is associated with an increase in the conductivity of the skin, a drop in temperature, rapid breathing and heart rates, but lowers the blood pressure amplitude is in Brain researchers as a "chill" means. A good chill occurs naturally in the brain, where Canadian brain researchers were now able to locate it with music lovers. Participants were selected for study because they often experience a chill in music influence. In the study, they were chilling with their favorite music or exposed to neutral sounds. It is not surprising that the chill for music enjoyment, the same dopamine-activated amplifier, involved in the drug and gambling addictions play a role. But music is much more sublime. A chill does not only occur when the expected stimulus (such as in drug intoxication), but also if he fails at first, because the rhythm of surprises maintains or enters the melody only by a roundabout route to the destination. It is this tension of anticipation and occurrence of the stimulus seems to music lovers identify the particular appeal. The study by Valorie and Robert Zatorre Salimpoor from the Montreal Neurological Institute here shows a functional dissociation for music enjoyment. The expectation was accompanied by the activation of other brain regions as their fulfillment. The musical spectrum ranges from the caudate nucleus in the brain to the nucleus accumbens. Both centers must be activated to the dopamine effect erzeugen.Die experiments show that music connects cognition with emotion. Perhaps that explains why music lovers who often turn to specific styles, their only experience here Churchill, the then achieve the same euphoric effects, for which other people illegal psychostimulants need (that musicians are prone to drug addiction, plays certainly a role). Music of other flavors never solves from a chill, but at most an escape reflex. Therefore, the success of every party very much on the DJ hangs up the right records.
Source: Deutsches Ă„rzteblatt 2011
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