Monday, January 31, 2011

Versapak Charger Schematic

miracle of life and resistance weights

And not the one who has seen the angels and devils in the wonders and tribulations of life, whose heart and whose soul has no knowledge without understanding.
(Khalil Gibran)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Does Great Clips Do Beards


Quietly I sit. Morning. At my breakfast table.
I see her. Amazed and a little envious.

agility and daring it is.
It acts selectively, yet without knowledge of cause and effect.

It drives them. It is in her
The urge to open itself.

Where it comes from and what it all makes sense?
Diese Frage stellt sich ihr nicht.

Sie sammelt und ordnet.
Sie baut und konstruiert.

Tief aus ihrem Inneren heraus.
Ganz natürlich und ursprünglich.

Ich frage mich:
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen ihr und mir?

Nun, bei mir ist es wohl so,
Daß mein begriffliches unterscheidendes Denken mich von ihr unterscheidet.

Ich stehe auf, wasche mich, ziehe mich an
Und gehe...

Ganz natürlich und ursprünglich.

Motorcycle Wheel Builders

We are a little ... crazy

N ach siebzig Jahren kommt ein Mann zu der Erkenntnis,
daß the reason why he was on his way, which was to unlock the door.
During those around him criticize and sleep more ... And through a fractal
in a cracked wall
I see you, my friend, and touch your face again.
miracles happen while we are on our way.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Gay Cruising In Queens, Ny

There is no substitute for the knowledge of self

In reality, there is neither a guru nor a student, neither theory nor practice, neither ignorance nor knowledge. It all depends on what you believe to be. Truly know yourself. There is no substitute for the knowledge of self.

You have to watch constantly - especially your thoughts - at any time, without omitting anything. The observation is essential for the separation of self from non-self ... Be aware that state, which is only just being, without this or that to be. Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Sunday, January 23, 2011

After Prom Hamptons House

dog owners with children

There are dogs who can not look her age for sure. Also not the behavior.
I am standing at the station and across from me on the street just that dog owners.

"Get up. Fine. Stay. You did good!", I hear him.

Transport training is so important. Man's otherwise always worried about the dog. "I say to him.
"I think he` s now understood. "He replies.
I smile.
"How old is he?" I ask.
"Uh, thirteen."
"No, years"

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Nintendo Ds Peer To Peer Is Blocked

animators are not looking for a consensus,
unsubscribe but conflicts!
Yes, because one can not be warm!
Who else wonder?
me no more!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Best Labello Chapstick

shit I feel wings, although I never flew

My mistakes make me strong
I go out into the great unknown
wings I feel, though I never flew
Ich habe einen eigenen Geist
Ich bin aus Fleisch und Blut bis auf die Knochen
Und nicht aus Stein gemacht
Ich habe das Recht, falsch zu sein
Also, laß mich einfach allein

Zu lange schon bin ich unterdrückt worden
Muß mich endlich frei davon machen,
Daß ich am Ende noch atmen kann
Ich habe ein Recht, falsch zu sein,
Und muß mein eigenes Lied singen,
Auch wenn ich die Noten nicht immer treffen mag,
Is it me doing well

You have your legitimate objections
But there is my profound insight:
turn back I can not -
I have a mission to fulfill
If you are toiling around me, Will you be my
Let me understand all this be what is already in
me Choke me with darkness
Whatever may be out there waiting for me,
I will willingly look him in the face

I the right to be wrong
So, just let me alone

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mastrabating On The Toilet

A man is like dem Mond

"The whole moon and the entire sky are reflected in one dewdrop on a blade of grass and in a single drop of water. A person who has attained the awakening, is like the moon reflected in water: The moon does not get wet and the water is not moving. Although the moon appears large and wide, it is reflected on a tiny area of \u200b\u200bwater. "
Dogen Zenji Kisen, 1200-1253

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Cervical Mucas Day 23/30

Samsara Blues Experiment – For the Lost Souls

Samsara in Sanskrit means "Stable walk" and expresses the spiritual aspect of the style similar to Indian ragas and music by four Berlin . The Blues provides the foundation, where everything is. And the experiment is the preference for improvised jams and the merging of various style elements.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Watch Bang Bros Epospdes

Baa, Baa, Black Sheep - Vom Spreeufer zum Nirvana

Ayya Khema tells her story - it is the story of an unusual woman, bourgeois Luxury and monastic asceticism experienced persecuted as a Jew and was revered as a spiritual teacher. In known Buddhist masters in Burma, Thailand, the United States and Australia, she found her spiritual home. She describes humorous essential elements of the Buddhist doctrine and the findings, and difficulties providing the services.

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Der Stimulus des Nucleus caudatus bis zum Nucleus accumbens

Good music gets under your skin. The pleasant sensation that is associated with an increase in the conductivity of the skin, a drop in temperature, rapid breathing and heart rates, but lowers the blood pressure amplitude is in Brain researchers as a "chill" means. A good chill occurs naturally in the brain, where Canadian brain researchers were now able to locate it with music lovers. Participants were selected for study because they often experience a chill in music influence. In the study, they were chilling with their favorite music or exposed to neutral sounds. It is not surprising that the chill for music enjoyment, the same dopamine-activated amplifier, involved in the drug and gambling addictions play a role. But music is much more sublime. A chill does not only occur when the expected stimulus (such as in drug intoxication), but also if he fails at first, because the rhythm of surprises maintains or enters the melody only by a roundabout route to the destination. It is this tension of anticipation and occurrence of the stimulus seems to music lovers identify the particular appeal. The study by Valorie and Robert Zatorre Salimpoor from the Montreal Neurological Institute here shows a functional dissociation for music enjoyment. The expectation was accompanied by the activation of other brain regions as their fulfillment. The musical spectrum ranges from the caudate nucleus in the brain to the nucleus accumbens. Both centers must be activated to the dopamine effect erzeugen.Die experiments show that music connects cognition with emotion. Perhaps that explains why music lovers who often turn to specific styles, their only experience here Churchill, the then achieve the same euphoric effects, for which other people illegal psychostimulants need (that musicians are prone to drug addiction, plays certainly a role). Music of other flavors never solves from a chill, but at most an escape reflex. Therefore, the success of every party very much on the DJ hangs up the right records.
Source: Deutsches Ärzteblatt 2011

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Virtual Secretary Chatbot

Dr. King's sister celebrates 70th

"Pull the troops from Afghanistan at last" ,

Sun the demand of human rights activist Joan Baez to the current U.S. - President, whom she had supported in his campaign.

"Conscience and the Voice of 1960" celebrates its 70th Birthday.
committed addition to her music, Joan Baez, and sat down for an early political minorities around the world, for pacifism and against racial segregation in their homeland. It was strongly influenced by the African American civil rights activist Martin Luther King, whom she heard speak at a Quaker seminary as a student for the first time. Baez remained king until his murder connected and worked on numerous political campaigns with him. Her political involvement began in 1957 when they result from civil disobedience, refusing to leave the classroom during an air raid drill, since the exercise was pointless. Previously, she had calculated her father that the students could not possibly reach the shelters before, as suggested in the exercise, had reached missiles from the Soviet Union, the then City Palo Alto, California. The incident occurred at the "know-it" student was put up big in the local press and Baez brought the reputation of being a communist . Shortly after the family left the village.
In the early years her career, Joan Baez suffered from severe stage fright attacks, sometimes reinforced by agoraphobia. This she says in the documentary film by Mary Wharton. (WIKI)

by journalists asked whether they want to visit Germany, she said:

"Germany reminds me again of my hometown America, because here you get the same stupid questions found:

Are not the Easter marches infiltrated by Communists

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Chögyam Trungpa (1940 -1987) in seinem „Buch vom meditativen Leben“
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