Sunday, January 24, 2010

What Food Eases Heartburn

Beauty and vitality in old age, we know the secret!

Optimal nutrition of the cells with micro-and macro-nutrients is one thing, the regeneration and recovery of the body the other.
Wrong sustainable food and lack of physical misconduct damaging the cells and creates the environment for others withered skin, hair loss and physical weakness.

Thanks to modern technology improved, it is possible to penetrate deeper and deeper into the human organism. This latest insights concerning the "self-renewal system" of the body was discovered.

U.S. researchers have gone a completely new way. You have found this self-renewal system of the human body and explored. They found that an increased proportion of adult (adult) stem cells in the blood stream with optimal health and vitality is to be equated.

This realization has nothing to do with the controversial embryonic stem cell research, but with adult stem cells, which everyone (including animals) has since its birth.

They found that certain parts of a plant, the release of stem cells in your body within an hour by up to 30% (= 5 million) increases. These stem cells are increasingly released in the blood stream through messengers passed to their destination, where they mimic the tissue-specific cells to reproduce und das entsprechende Gewebe durch neue Zellen buchstäblich ersetzen. Unter „Ziel“ verstehen wir in diesem Fall ein beeinträchtigtes Organ, in Mitleidenschaft gezogene Nerven, Haare, Haut, offene Wunden etc. In entsprechenden Studien konnte das hier kurz beschriebene Szenario festgehalten, untermauert und bewiesen werden.

Unser Körper ist so ausgelegt, dass mittels natürlicher Substanzen alles reguliert und regeneriert werden kann. Pflanzenstoffen ist es möglich die komplizierten Körperstrukturen zu finden und die Funktionen optimal zu unterstützen.

Eine kürzlich durchgeführte Studie mit dem hier zu Grunde gelegten Pflanzenprodukt ergab, dass bei den Probanten, die bereits eingesetzte Gray color their hair, in a period of 6 months from consummation of the product by up to 28.6%, on average, 18.5% had decreased and the original hair color began to show itself.

stem cells can be detected in the blood by special methods of examination. A young person aged 20 to 25 years have on average about 25 million adult stem cells in the blood, which constitutes its youthfulness and vitality.

An aging man loses his self-created life changing constantly in stem cells. The retirement age is usually one of only five million adult stem cells from the blood stream. With the increasing decline of stem below the physical Decline, usually visible hand in hand with loss of beauty and vitality, accompanied. What

jump by more natural release of stem cells in your body for us humans is, we can not measure with disbelief.

If we understand that our body consists of trillions of cells, one can imagine that it possible for every player to make for themselves in personal responsibility, a brighter future with more beauty and vitality in old age.

stem power team

Hartmut Schulz