"StemEnhance is a revolutionary dietary supplement which their own adult stem cells in the body naturally increased.
The Regenrationskraft of the body depends largely on the number of available stem cells. At age 20, the body has about 25 million stem cells, as it has grown by then. Aged 20 years and begins a gradual decline, reflected in cell loss. With 75 years of stem cell concentration drops to 5 million stem cells. For example, take dieAusscheidungskapazität the kidney decreased by 50%, the brain mass decreases by about 300 g, the lung capacity is reduced by 50%, as the amount of blood Muscle mass, the visual and Hörstärke reduced by up to 70 - 80% etc.
The regular intake of "StemEnhance" increased at a 50-year to 17 million stem cells, as it is usually a man with 35 years added. "StemEnhance is thus the ideal anti-aging product! It is an entirely new product category. The pre-programmed state of the body can be restored, a rejuvenation. can
Did you know that as coffee consumption reduced the stem cells within minutes by 30%? "StemEnhance," however, it builds within an hour by up to 120% on. Stem cells can be relatives in 220 different cells, they are our "JOKER cells."
The stem cells in the blood can now be measured ultrasonically without intervention, the results may be measured! The purely herbal product works and not only in humans and animals provitieren here.
you have any questions, please contact us
stem helper
Hartmut Schulz