stem cells that you need?
"StemEnhance is a revolutionary dietary supplement which their own adult stem cells in the body naturally increased.
The Regenrationskraft of the body depends largely on the number of available stem cells. At age 20, the body has about 25 million stem cells, as it has grown by then. Aged 20 years and begins a gradual decline, reflected in cell loss. With 75 years of stem cell concentration drops to 5 million stem cells. For example, take dieAusscheidungskapazität the kidney decreased by 50%, the brain mass decreases by about 300 g, the lung capacity is reduced by 50%, as the amount of blood Muscle mass, the visual and Hörstärke reduced by up to 70 - 80% etc.
The regular intake of "StemEnhance" increased at a 50-year to 17 million stem cells, as it is usually a man with 35 years added. "StemEnhance is thus the ideal anti-aging product! It is an entirely new product category. The pre-programmed state of the body can be restored, a rejuvenation. can
Did you know that as coffee consumption reduced the stem cells within minutes by 30%? "StemEnhance," however, it builds within an hour by up to 120% on. Stem cells can be relatives in 220 different cells, they are our "JOKER cells."
The stem cells in the blood can now be measured ultrasonically without intervention, the results may be measured! The purely herbal product works and not only in humans and animals provitieren here.
you have any questions, please contact us
stem helper
Hartmut Schulz
stem cells and our body
shows how modern scientific research, there are in addition to vitamins, minerals & Co. Additional improvements for human and animal (!) organism that you can rely on.
is clinically proven for example, that an increase in the "adult" (mature adult) stem cells in the blood and regenerate our organs are functioning and interaction in the body runs perfectly in harmony.
is a fact that, from 20th - 25th birthday ever stem cell production in the body decreases and the sprightly age of retirement (60) about a potential 5 million available instead of 25 million stem cells. Any negative consequences, coupled with a "guided accordingly lifestyle," für uns hat, wird uns täglich spiegelbildlich gezeigt. Änderungen an diesem Zustand werden nur dann vorgenommen um im Ernstfall noch zu retten was beinahe nicht mehr zu retten ist – nämlich unsere extrem geschädigte Gesundheit.
Stammzellen sind Träger der Erbsubstanz und jede Körperzelle trägt den „Bauplan“ der DNA. Übertragen ausgedrückt, Stammzellen sind „Zauber-Zellen“ die sich in jede beliebige Zelle umwandeln können, sie sind die Urzelle aus der Verschmelzung einer weiblichen und männlichen Zelle und Träger des Erbguts.
Die Technologie des „Stammzellen-Multiplikators“ ist eine völlig neue Produktentwicklung on the dietary supplement sector. This is a special product which can increase the production of stem cells in the bone marrow within one hour up to 120%.
The first and natural stem-cell multiplier has unique characteristics: it is halal and kosher certified, patented and tested in a randomized Doppelbind, placebo-controlled study. It was shown that after about 1 hour 3 - 4 million more adult stem cells circulate in the blood.
Since the introduction of this natural product on the market, it is used by thousands of people. It is free of harmful side effects, suggests a very natural Type the body's own stem cells in bone marrow production, the results are sensational, often with deep under the skin fantastic results.
Thanks to the advanced development of science must be sure the researchers hope this Unternemens for the future to even more blessings Bring end to people and animals. Animals are mentioned here because there are already special stem cells multipliers for dogs and horses.
The first meeting of a registered partner, in September 2008 in Germany, the circle is small, the trend growing rapidly. After a determined by the Unternemen given orders to march to reach Germany will be opened officially in a few weeks. The deliveries are currently in London, a large area but was already purchased in Romania, this will be the new manufacturing and research facilities, including distribution center for Europe.
If that potential was here just a brief summary please, send us your details forward your registration and we would cause us to contact by doctors and health practitioners and managers.
investment in your registration - 23 U.S. cents! For personalized homepage (in English) and back office.
stem helper
Hartmut Schulz