//Erkenntnisse aus der Recherche 02.
When researching the history of art in the 20th Century, we realized that this century was marked by a strong reduction in the abstract and concrete: a gradual liberation of any loyalty thing, the stylization of bewildering variety of forms, the working out of simple, strong shape elements and focusing on the essentials. There were also many interdisciplinary working artists, artists from different art forms worked together.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Burnt Orange Carpet Help Me In Living Room
//Besuch im Literaturmuseum in Marbach.
morning it started to recommend a very great museum, very much.
The building from outside.
Lots of great original manuscripts inside.
The automatic poetry by Hans Magnus Enzensberger.
works from the exhibition "Toying with words" by Enzensberger.
morning it started to recommend a very great museum, very much.
The building from outside.
Lots of great original manuscripts inside.

The automatic poetry by Hans Magnus Enzensberger.

works from the exhibition "Toying with words" by Enzensberger.

Saturday, May 5, 2007
Very Bloated Femaleguppy
//Recherche 02. Literatur im 20. Jahrhundert.
_____ literature of the turn of the century 1890-1910.
_____ The "Young Vienna".
Under the "Young Vienna" refers to poets who have lived from childhood in Vienna and are quite wealthy, because they come from educated and wealthy families.
/ / Hugo von Hofmannsthal (1874-1929)
originates from a wealthy family background, his father lost much money through a stock market crash, but he hoped by the seal of his son that the family receives another good name.
/ / Arthur Schnitzler
/ / Peter Altenberg
/ / Gerhardt Hauptmann
_____ lyrics of the art form.
_____ city and decay.
/ / Stefan George (1868-1933; he wanted to create an "art for art")
/ / Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926)
Rilke lived for a time in Paris, because he has a special closeness to Auguste Rodin, for this he worked as a secretary. Rilke peddled in aristocratic and bourgeois houses and wrote many verses for these people. His first experience with the city he writes in a novel. One of his most famous poems is "The Panther" from 1903.
"The Panther" (1903)
His gaze, going past those bars
become so tired that he does not think much more.
He feels as if it were a thousand bars
and behind a thousand bars no world.
The powerful paddings steps
which the very smallest circle rotates
is like a dance of strength around a center
stunned in which a mighty will stands.
Only sometimes the curtain of the pupil
, quietly -. Then goes into a picture
down through the tensed, arrested muscles -
and to be unending in.
Rilke takes the approach with internal and external reality in the form of a brief dreistrophigen poem. He used many metaphors in his poem to his capture nature in the city and its loss to the world to express their social identity.
/ / Gabriele Reuter
It opens with her novel "From a good family," the Roman literature of the turn of the century, today it is unfortunately not well known only among their fellow writers. Above all, Thomas Mann was very impressed by her, he called it one of the most confident women Deutschland, da sie über die Emanzipation schon hinaus wäre. Reuter verknüpft den Familien- und Gesellschaftsroman, schildert Lebensschicksale und Situationen aus dem Alltag. Weibliche Wahrnehmung und Gefühle werden mit der Analyse der gesellschaftlichen Bedingungen verbunden.
// Otto Julius Bierbaum („Stilpe“)
// Thomas Mann („Buddenbrooks“)
Thomas Mann beschreibt den sozialen Zerfall der Familie Buddenbrook und die Untergangsstimmung dieser Zeit. Die vier Generationen entsprechen den verschiedenen kulturgeschichtlichen Strömungen dieser Zeit. Im Unterschied zu Rilke beschreibt er die Situation aus einer gewissen Distanz.
// Robert Walser („Der Gehülfe“)
/ / Robert Musil ("The Confusions of Young Torless)
/ / Frank Wedekind (1864-1918) and the drama
characteristic of the turn is a temperament that runs through all literary genres. Many lyrical dramas are very close to the poem. Nevertheless, the writers do not contribute with their seals to a change of government and society, for it seems to be hopeless. Rather, literature is limited at this time on a small circle of connoisseurs and lovers, seals are not a public audience and are thus not exposed to public debate or criticism. An exception is Frank Wedekind here that can not be deterred from writing plays and to bring to the performance. He seeks confrontation with the bourgeois public sphere and acts in part as an actor himself.
/ / "Spring Awakening," a children Roma, 1891 (Frank Wedekind)
sexuality in poetry, rape and murder. The story of two friends.
/ / "Lulu-drama," Lulu is a woman, that the myth of Marlene Dietrich for the film version (1930) of the "Blue Angel" corresponds
Between 1903 and 1907, it is in literature and art to change, strict a definition of art and literature aim at efforts, aimed at a connection between art and everyday life are not taken seriously.
/ / Heinrich Mann ("The Subject")
Heinrich Mann is the older brother of Thomas Mann The subject sums up the era of Emperor Wilhelm II. "Little City" (1909) Man shows as a novelist. He turns around 1905 to the French democratic Michelet and writers interested in Rousseau and Voltaire.
_____ Expressionism.
_____ free of style and form.
reached Expressionism in literature not so popular as in art. Almost only specialists deal with Expressionism. Nevertheless, the expressionist decade from 1910 to 1920 for the German literature until late into the 20th Century life are very important. The expressionist literature is marked by bold speech innovations and numerous metaphors. It is also characterized by their anti-bourgeois radicalism and strong emotion. The language is free of style, form, unity and aesthetic taste.
The expressionist decade is marked by many turning points: pre-war, war, the years of World War I, preparation of the November Revolution, founding of the Weimar Republic. There are three distinct phases:
in the first phase ( 1909-1914, the start of World War ), the poet enthusiastically welcome the First World War because they hope that by the social paralysis will end. It is the highly influential period of upheaval in this "peace years" are disasters, apocalypse and the shock of personal loss formulated.
The second phase is the period 1914-1918 and deals with the pacifist commitment, as the increasing social misery in the hinterland. In that time, the playwright coming to the fore.
The conclusion of the third phase Expressionism, make the post-war years occur in which the Expressionists with a social-revolutionary ideas of change and new creation fantasies.
The Expressionists say the bourgeois order of the battle, not because they feel rejected by society or social disadvantage was (most were from very wealthy and educated families), but because they constantly by the "wilhelministische" education at home and limited in the school were. Their rebellion is therefore accompanied by submission wishes and feelings of guilt. After the death wish against the father almost always follows the desire for self-dissolution and the "ego-loss." You haben oft sexuelle Phantasien, welche jedoch auch wieder mit Gefühlen des Eckels vermischt sind, sie berufen sich auf den menschlichen Körper, Geschlechtskrankheiten und Begriffe aus dem Milieu der Prostitution.
// Georg Heym (1887-1912)
Früh gestorben, bzw. beim Schlittschuhlaufen ertrunken, als er seinen Dichterfreund Ernst Balcke aus dem eingebrochenen Eis retten wollte. „Die Gefangenen“ und „Gott der Stadt“ (sein bekanntestes Gedicht); er hat zugleich das Bild der industriellen Großstadt des 20. Jahrhunderts entscheidend geprägt.
// Georg Trackl (1887-1914)
Österreicher, hat während seines Lebens schwere Schuldgefühle, da er sich in seine younger sister Margaret fell in love. He is addicted to drugs and alcohol, ie-. He died on a mission at the front of an overdose of cocaine. Trackl was the introverted Expressionist poet, his poems are often enigmatic, and strange and dark. "Sunset" (1909) and "humanity" (1912).
/ / Gottfried Benn (1886-1956) under the medical
the Expressionists. He uses many terms from the medical field.
/ / Jacob Van Hoddis
His poem "end of the world" facing the 1910 epitome of bourgeois conventions and Security (without the hat you will not do, roofers, holding the house in order, etc.). Actors and the subject of the poem, however, the storm, the vitality and new conditions announced.
/ / Alfred Lichtenstein (1889-1914)
intellectually very challenging verses, which have their origin and their origins in the cabaret milieu of poetry mixed with humor poetry, grotesque / absurdities and self-irony.
/ / Alfred Doblin
He is against the futuristic narrowing of reality to the world of machines.
/ / Carl Sternheim
Expressionist prose.
_____ Dadaism.
1918 shifted the center of Berlin Dada, as Huelsenbeck, along with George Grosz, Raoul Hausmann and Walter Mehring founded a Berlin Dada group. The "poème gymnastique" a poetry recital combines with body language, mixed with simultaneously acquired in noisy environments. The sound poems by Hugo Ball, Raoul Hausmann beyond the written form of the poem.
sound poems.
wording and meaning are broken, words are broken down into individual phonetic syllables, the language is emptied of its meaning and sounds are combined to rhythmic sounds.
The bruitistische poem.
poem set to music with sounds.
Das simultanistische Gedicht.
Lautgedichte werden gleichzeitig von verschiedenen Menschen durcheinander gesprochen.
Das statische Gedicht.
Worte werden zu Individuen.
// Richard Huelsenbeck
// Hugo Ball (Klanggedicht „Karawane“, Verse ohne Worte, inspiriert von Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdys Lieder ohne Worte.)
// Hans Arp
// Kurt Schwitters
_____ Die 20er Jahre.
_____ Neue Sachlichkeit.
Berlin wird zum zentralen Mittelpunkt des literarischen Lebens. Es findet ein reger Austausch zwischne Schriftstellern of different nationalities and social backgrounds instead. Objectivity and focus on the facts are the basic features of the literature of the '20s. War events are presented and tried to explain. Reflected, inter alia, the social significance of art and the disintegration of values.
/ / Ernst Jünger ("Storm of Steel")
/ / Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956)
"Threepenny Opera", "Baal" and "Piety"
/ / Ernst Toller (Theatre of the 20s)
/ / Kurt Tucholsky (adopts later magazine "World Stage")
He writes mainly for the press and is strongly mit dem Zeitgeschehen auseinander. Er benutzt vier unterschiedliche Pseudonyme.
// Walter Mehring
Seine literarische Tätigkeit ist durch das Kabarett bestimmt. Er ist einer der wenigen Dichter, die von der Großstadt nicht überwältigt sind, ihn lässt dies unbeeindruckt. Stattdessen widmet er sich abgelegeneren und zwielichtigeren Vierteln. SeinGedicht „Tempo Synkopen“ war dem Schauspieler Paul Graetz gewidmet (Stepptanz, Dixie).
// Lion Feuchtwanger (1884-1958, sein bekanntestes Werk ist „Jud Süß“)
// Erich Kästner (1899-1974)
Kästner gilt als Autor der kleinen Leute, sein Publikum sind die Großstadtmenschen, die gezwungen sind ohne Individualität zu existieren, wirtschaftlich und emotional verarmt. Sein bekanntestes Gedicht ist die „Sachliche Romanze“. Er beschäftigt sich mit bürgerlichen Schicksalen der Mittelschicht.
// Franz Kafka
// Hermann Hesse
// Alfred Döblin
// Robert Musil
// Hermann Broch
// Joseph Roth
// Gerhart Hauptmann
_____ Der Zweite Weltkrieg.
_____ Literatur von 1933 bis 1945.
// Carl von Ossietzky
// Erich Mühsam
// Gottfried Benn
// Wolfgang Langhoff
// Jan Petersen
// Klaus Mann
/ / Anna Seghers
/ / The column-circular
(Günter Eich, Peter Huchel, Hermann tunic, Wolfgang Koeppen, and Elizabeth Langgässer)
/ / Thomas Mann
/ / Hans Henny Jahnn
/ / Hermann Broch
/ / Ernst Wiechert
/ / Horst Lange
/ / Felix Hartlaub
_____ literature after 1945.
Many writers turn to the Second World War to return to Germany, but they are disappointed. The hoped-for "free spirit" is disturbed by a divided Germany (a democratic and a socialist) and a German landscape of ruins, in which it now needs to survive. The older generation that had emerged in literature before the Second World War, splits into two groups: those who have, with threats to their lives to leave the country (Heinrich and Thomas Mann, Bertolt Brecht, Alfred Doblin, etc.), the others try in Germany to survive (as Erich Kästner). The post-war writers who did not have to suffer the exile are separated by their different experiences of one another. In the Soviet zone, the exiled writer included open, they enjoy a high reputation and numerous opportunities for publication. In the other zones met the writers and mistrust predominantly they remain marginalized. In October 1947, held in Berlin, the first all-German writers' meeting. The aim is to bridge the gap between writers of exile and which overcome the so-called "internal emigration". The attempt at a common German literature fails, however. The cultural program of DDR requires the writer to attend an anti-fascist democratic renewal of Germany with the goal of a socialist state.
/ / Walter von Molo
/ / Frank Thies
/ / Ricarda Huch
/ / Alfred Kantorowicz
/ / Elisabeth Langgässer
/ / Stephan Hermlin
Prose 1945:
Many novels, are written during the exile period will now find a wide readership in Germany.
/ / Heinrich Böll
/ / Wolfgang Borchert
/ / Hans Werner Richter
/ / Wolfgang Weyrauch
/ / Ilse Aichinger
/ / Arno Schmidt (1914-1979)
Schmidt grew up in a middle-class family in Hamburg. He is looking after his graduation in 1933, and ends up working in a bookstore warehouse of a textile factory. In 1937, he drafted and has 1939 in the war. After his British captivity he reflected miserably through life. With his story "Leviathan" Schmidt enters 1949 in literature to the public.
Theater 1945:
/ / Bertolt Brecht
/ / Max Frisch
/ / Friedrich Wolf
/ / Ursula Herking
/ / Erich Kästner
/ / Günter Neumann
/ / Wolfgang Borchert ("The Man Outside")
/ / Carl Zucker ("The Devil's General")
/ / Günther Weisenborn ("The illegal immigrants)
Poetry 1945:
developed after the war, the poetry different from prose. The prose speaks to heal a world in ruins, in the lyric speaks of a "clear-cutting lyricism. The language is kept to a minimum, the man has only elementary objects of life. Apart from this clear-cutting and nature poems again find a permanent place in German poetry.
/ / Karl Krolow
/ / Günter Eich ("Inventory")
/ / Ilse Aichinger
/ / Nelly Sachs
/ / Gottfried Benn ("Static Poems")
/ / Peter Rühmkopf
The "Group 47" (Hans Werner Richter), a literary institution in the West and the literary magazine "Sinn und Form (Peter Huchel) in the east are trying to give a new direction in post-war Germany.
The Group 47 Group 47 was established in 1947 and is a free association of young writers, reinforced by publicists and journalists, by some painters and draftsman. The group has no ideological conception, it is a working group to exchange experiences, criticism of work and treat people contacts. The group consists of writers of the younger generation, the "betrayed" that were driven by their fathers in the war. They distance themselves from writers in exile, as the literary traditions were obsolete as the 20's. By purifying the language and voice criticism is to create a new literature. The group know of any political direction from him. It is the mirror image and counterpart of the Adenauer era.
followers of the group 47:
/ / Alfred Andersch
/ / Ingeborg Bachmann
/ / Günter Eich
/ / Heinrich Böll
/ / Ilse Aichinger
/ / Martin Walser
/ / Günter Grass
/ / Johannes Bobrowski
/ / Peter Bichsel
/ / Jürgen Becker
/ / Hans Magnus Enzensberger
/ / Reinhard Lettau
/ / Peter Weiss
meaning and form:
Huchel, editor, understands the magazine as a mediator between "inner" exile, as a bridge between German and international literature to the German literature extricate from their isolation. Peu à peu, he also published writings of West German writers, among other things, by Max Bense.
_Johannes R. Becher
_Paul Wiegler
_Romain Rolla
_Oskar Loerke
_Wladimir Mayakovsky
_Elio Vittorini
_Gerhart Captain
_Ernst Niekisch
_Hermann tunic
_____ the fifties.
_Eugen Gomringer (concrete poetry)
_Paul Celan
_Günter Kunert ("The clouds are white")
The development of the radio play is developing a new innovative branch. The radio is the cultural center of the family. Almost all the important writers of the fifties, writing radio plays.
_Ernst Schnabel
_Axel Eggebrecht
_Alfred Andersch
_Helmut Heissenbiittel
_____ poetry of the fifties.
_Bertolt Brecht
He was a convinced socialist, but never a member of the SED. Helen Weigel. A free rhythmic, pointed lyrics.
_Ingeborg Bachmann
In the early 50's an exciting new lyrical voice. Fascinating in its lyricism, the mixture of traditional and new forms of expression experiments.
_Johannes Bobrowski and Paul Celan
Both authors linked by their origin. In their poems they often describe the landscape of her childhood and youth. Her poetry ist gegen das Vergessen gerichtet, wesentliches Element ist der „Schatten“.
_____ Exprerimentelle Lyrik.
Mit der radikalen Reduzierung der Sprache auf ihre Buchstabenskelett versuchen seit Mitte der 50er Lyriker wie der Schweizer Eugen Gomringer, Helmut Heissenbüttel und die „Wiener Gruppe“ die festgelegte Bedeutung der Worte und Metaphern zu vertreiben, um einen neuen Sinn in jedem Wort bloßzulegen. Gegen alte Formkonventionen und Interpretationsschemata soll das Gedicht für sich stehen und eine eigenständige abstrakte Textur erhalten, die nicht mehr zitierbar ist. Die Wiener Lyriker beziehen sich auf die Dada-Kunst. Konstruktivistische Raumaufteilung, Zwischen Spielereien and provocation, new order units. Language evolves in new language, graphic arrangement, the sound of the word associative structures, the dissolution of meaning and syntax.
_Eugen Gomringer
_Helmut Heissenbiittel
_Ernst Jandl (talk poetry)
He words divided into syllables, stretches the vowels or consonants, remove them to meaningless distortions, he plays with dialect forms and the everyday language.
_____ Vienna group.
_Gerhard Rühm (trained musician and composer of serial music)
_Friedrich Achleitner
_Hans Carl Artmann
_Konrad Bayer
_Oswald Vienna
_____ novels of the fifties.
_Wolfgang Koeppen
_Arno Schmidt
_Alfred Andersch
_Hans Erich Nossack
_MAX fresh
_Heinrich Böll
_Uwe Johnson
_Günter Grass
_____ drama of the fifties.
_Friedrich Dürrenmatt
_MAX fresh
_Heiner Müller
_Heinar Kipphardt
_Peter Weiss
_Martin blocking
_____ Later authors.
_Franz Xaver Kroetz
_Martin blocking
_Rainer Werner Fassbinder
_Peter Handke (theater)
_MAX from the Green
_Günter Wallraff
_Bernt Engelmann
_Erwin Strittmatter
_Erik Neutsch
_Hermann Kant
_Christa Wolf
_Wolf Biermann
_Heiner Müller
_Stefan Heym
_Siegfried Lenz
_Martin Walser
_Uwe Johnson
_Jurek Becker
_Erich Fried
_Sarah cherry
_____ periods of German literature.
1880-1900 naturalism
(cross-currents Impressionism, fin de siècle, symbolism)
1890-1925 Heimatkunst
1910-1925 Expreessionismus
1918-1933 literature of the Weimar Republic
_____ literature of the turn of the century 1890-1910.
_____ The "Young Vienna".
Under the "Young Vienna" refers to poets who have lived from childhood in Vienna and are quite wealthy, because they come from educated and wealthy families.
/ / Hugo von Hofmannsthal (1874-1929)
originates from a wealthy family background, his father lost much money through a stock market crash, but he hoped by the seal of his son that the family receives another good name.
/ / Arthur Schnitzler
/ / Peter Altenberg
/ / Gerhardt Hauptmann
_____ lyrics of the art form.
_____ city and decay.
/ / Stefan George (1868-1933; he wanted to create an "art for art")
/ / Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926)
Rilke lived for a time in Paris, because he has a special closeness to Auguste Rodin, for this he worked as a secretary. Rilke peddled in aristocratic and bourgeois houses and wrote many verses for these people. His first experience with the city he writes in a novel. One of his most famous poems is "The Panther" from 1903.
"The Panther" (1903)
His gaze, going past those bars
become so tired that he does not think much more.
He feels as if it were a thousand bars
and behind a thousand bars no world.
The powerful paddings steps
which the very smallest circle rotates
is like a dance of strength around a center
stunned in which a mighty will stands.
Only sometimes the curtain of the pupil
, quietly -. Then goes into a picture
down through the tensed, arrested muscles -
and to be unending in.
Rilke takes the approach with internal and external reality in the form of a brief dreistrophigen poem. He used many metaphors in his poem to his capture nature in the city and its loss to the world to express their social identity.
/ / Gabriele Reuter
It opens with her novel "From a good family," the Roman literature of the turn of the century, today it is unfortunately not well known only among their fellow writers. Above all, Thomas Mann was very impressed by her, he called it one of the most confident women Deutschland, da sie über die Emanzipation schon hinaus wäre. Reuter verknüpft den Familien- und Gesellschaftsroman, schildert Lebensschicksale und Situationen aus dem Alltag. Weibliche Wahrnehmung und Gefühle werden mit der Analyse der gesellschaftlichen Bedingungen verbunden.
// Otto Julius Bierbaum („Stilpe“)
// Thomas Mann („Buddenbrooks“)
Thomas Mann beschreibt den sozialen Zerfall der Familie Buddenbrook und die Untergangsstimmung dieser Zeit. Die vier Generationen entsprechen den verschiedenen kulturgeschichtlichen Strömungen dieser Zeit. Im Unterschied zu Rilke beschreibt er die Situation aus einer gewissen Distanz.
// Robert Walser („Der Gehülfe“)
/ / Robert Musil ("The Confusions of Young Torless)
/ / Frank Wedekind (1864-1918) and the drama
characteristic of the turn is a temperament that runs through all literary genres. Many lyrical dramas are very close to the poem. Nevertheless, the writers do not contribute with their seals to a change of government and society, for it seems to be hopeless. Rather, literature is limited at this time on a small circle of connoisseurs and lovers, seals are not a public audience and are thus not exposed to public debate or criticism. An exception is Frank Wedekind here that can not be deterred from writing plays and to bring to the performance. He seeks confrontation with the bourgeois public sphere and acts in part as an actor himself.
/ / "Spring Awakening," a children Roma, 1891 (Frank Wedekind)
sexuality in poetry, rape and murder. The story of two friends.
/ / "Lulu-drama," Lulu is a woman, that the myth of Marlene Dietrich for the film version (1930) of the "Blue Angel" corresponds
Between 1903 and 1907, it is in literature and art to change, strict a definition of art and literature aim at efforts, aimed at a connection between art and everyday life are not taken seriously.
/ / Heinrich Mann ("The Subject")
Heinrich Mann is the older brother of Thomas Mann The subject sums up the era of Emperor Wilhelm II. "Little City" (1909) Man shows as a novelist. He turns around 1905 to the French democratic Michelet and writers interested in Rousseau and Voltaire.
_____ Expressionism.
_____ free of style and form.
reached Expressionism in literature not so popular as in art. Almost only specialists deal with Expressionism. Nevertheless, the expressionist decade from 1910 to 1920 for the German literature until late into the 20th Century life are very important. The expressionist literature is marked by bold speech innovations and numerous metaphors. It is also characterized by their anti-bourgeois radicalism and strong emotion. The language is free of style, form, unity and aesthetic taste.
The expressionist decade is marked by many turning points: pre-war, war, the years of World War I, preparation of the November Revolution, founding of the Weimar Republic. There are three distinct phases:
in the first phase ( 1909-1914, the start of World War ), the poet enthusiastically welcome the First World War because they hope that by the social paralysis will end. It is the highly influential period of upheaval in this "peace years" are disasters, apocalypse and the shock of personal loss formulated.
The second phase is the period 1914-1918 and deals with the pacifist commitment, as the increasing social misery in the hinterland. In that time, the playwright coming to the fore.
The conclusion of the third phase Expressionism, make the post-war years occur in which the Expressionists with a social-revolutionary ideas of change and new creation fantasies.
The Expressionists say the bourgeois order of the battle, not because they feel rejected by society or social disadvantage was (most were from very wealthy and educated families), but because they constantly by the "wilhelministische" education at home and limited in the school were. Their rebellion is therefore accompanied by submission wishes and feelings of guilt. After the death wish against the father almost always follows the desire for self-dissolution and the "ego-loss." You haben oft sexuelle Phantasien, welche jedoch auch wieder mit Gefühlen des Eckels vermischt sind, sie berufen sich auf den menschlichen Körper, Geschlechtskrankheiten und Begriffe aus dem Milieu der Prostitution.
// Georg Heym (1887-1912)
Früh gestorben, bzw. beim Schlittschuhlaufen ertrunken, als er seinen Dichterfreund Ernst Balcke aus dem eingebrochenen Eis retten wollte. „Die Gefangenen“ und „Gott der Stadt“ (sein bekanntestes Gedicht); er hat zugleich das Bild der industriellen Großstadt des 20. Jahrhunderts entscheidend geprägt.
// Georg Trackl (1887-1914)
Österreicher, hat während seines Lebens schwere Schuldgefühle, da er sich in seine younger sister Margaret fell in love. He is addicted to drugs and alcohol, ie-. He died on a mission at the front of an overdose of cocaine. Trackl was the introverted Expressionist poet, his poems are often enigmatic, and strange and dark. "Sunset" (1909) and "humanity" (1912).
/ / Gottfried Benn (1886-1956) under the medical
the Expressionists. He uses many terms from the medical field.
/ / Jacob Van Hoddis
His poem "end of the world" facing the 1910 epitome of bourgeois conventions and Security (without the hat you will not do, roofers, holding the house in order, etc.). Actors and the subject of the poem, however, the storm, the vitality and new conditions announced.
/ / Alfred Lichtenstein (1889-1914)
intellectually very challenging verses, which have their origin and their origins in the cabaret milieu of poetry mixed with humor poetry, grotesque / absurdities and self-irony.
/ / Alfred Doblin
He is against the futuristic narrowing of reality to the world of machines.
/ / Carl Sternheim
Expressionist prose.
_____ Dadaism.
1918 shifted the center of Berlin Dada, as Huelsenbeck, along with George Grosz, Raoul Hausmann and Walter Mehring founded a Berlin Dada group. The "poème gymnastique" a poetry recital combines with body language, mixed with simultaneously acquired in noisy environments. The sound poems by Hugo Ball, Raoul Hausmann beyond the written form of the poem.
sound poems.
wording and meaning are broken, words are broken down into individual phonetic syllables, the language is emptied of its meaning and sounds are combined to rhythmic sounds.
The bruitistische poem.
poem set to music with sounds.
Das simultanistische Gedicht.
Lautgedichte werden gleichzeitig von verschiedenen Menschen durcheinander gesprochen.
Das statische Gedicht.
Worte werden zu Individuen.
// Richard Huelsenbeck
// Hugo Ball (Klanggedicht „Karawane“, Verse ohne Worte, inspiriert von Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdys Lieder ohne Worte.)
// Hans Arp
// Kurt Schwitters
_____ Die 20er Jahre.
_____ Neue Sachlichkeit.
Berlin wird zum zentralen Mittelpunkt des literarischen Lebens. Es findet ein reger Austausch zwischne Schriftstellern of different nationalities and social backgrounds instead. Objectivity and focus on the facts are the basic features of the literature of the '20s. War events are presented and tried to explain. Reflected, inter alia, the social significance of art and the disintegration of values.
/ / Ernst Jünger ("Storm of Steel")
/ / Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956)
"Threepenny Opera", "Baal" and "Piety"
/ / Ernst Toller (Theatre of the 20s)
/ / Kurt Tucholsky (adopts later magazine "World Stage")
He writes mainly for the press and is strongly mit dem Zeitgeschehen auseinander. Er benutzt vier unterschiedliche Pseudonyme.
// Walter Mehring
Seine literarische Tätigkeit ist durch das Kabarett bestimmt. Er ist einer der wenigen Dichter, die von der Großstadt nicht überwältigt sind, ihn lässt dies unbeeindruckt. Stattdessen widmet er sich abgelegeneren und zwielichtigeren Vierteln. SeinGedicht „Tempo Synkopen“ war dem Schauspieler Paul Graetz gewidmet (Stepptanz, Dixie).
// Lion Feuchtwanger (1884-1958, sein bekanntestes Werk ist „Jud Süß“)
// Erich Kästner (1899-1974)
Kästner gilt als Autor der kleinen Leute, sein Publikum sind die Großstadtmenschen, die gezwungen sind ohne Individualität zu existieren, wirtschaftlich und emotional verarmt. Sein bekanntestes Gedicht ist die „Sachliche Romanze“. Er beschäftigt sich mit bürgerlichen Schicksalen der Mittelschicht.
// Franz Kafka
// Hermann Hesse
// Alfred Döblin
// Robert Musil
// Hermann Broch
// Joseph Roth
// Gerhart Hauptmann
_____ Der Zweite Weltkrieg.
_____ Literatur von 1933 bis 1945.
// Carl von Ossietzky
// Erich Mühsam
// Gottfried Benn
// Wolfgang Langhoff
// Jan Petersen
// Klaus Mann
/ / Anna Seghers
/ / The column-circular
(Günter Eich, Peter Huchel, Hermann tunic, Wolfgang Koeppen, and Elizabeth Langgässer)
/ / Thomas Mann
/ / Hans Henny Jahnn
/ / Hermann Broch
/ / Ernst Wiechert
/ / Horst Lange
/ / Felix Hartlaub
_____ literature after 1945.
Many writers turn to the Second World War to return to Germany, but they are disappointed. The hoped-for "free spirit" is disturbed by a divided Germany (a democratic and a socialist) and a German landscape of ruins, in which it now needs to survive. The older generation that had emerged in literature before the Second World War, splits into two groups: those who have, with threats to their lives to leave the country (Heinrich and Thomas Mann, Bertolt Brecht, Alfred Doblin, etc.), the others try in Germany to survive (as Erich Kästner). The post-war writers who did not have to suffer the exile are separated by their different experiences of one another. In the Soviet zone, the exiled writer included open, they enjoy a high reputation and numerous opportunities for publication. In the other zones met the writers and mistrust predominantly they remain marginalized. In October 1947, held in Berlin, the first all-German writers' meeting. The aim is to bridge the gap between writers of exile and which overcome the so-called "internal emigration". The attempt at a common German literature fails, however. The cultural program of DDR requires the writer to attend an anti-fascist democratic renewal of Germany with the goal of a socialist state.
/ / Walter von Molo
/ / Frank Thies
/ / Ricarda Huch
/ / Alfred Kantorowicz
/ / Elisabeth Langgässer
/ / Stephan Hermlin
Prose 1945:
Many novels, are written during the exile period will now find a wide readership in Germany.
/ / Heinrich Böll
/ / Wolfgang Borchert
/ / Hans Werner Richter
/ / Wolfgang Weyrauch
/ / Ilse Aichinger
/ / Arno Schmidt (1914-1979)
Schmidt grew up in a middle-class family in Hamburg. He is looking after his graduation in 1933, and ends up working in a bookstore warehouse of a textile factory. In 1937, he drafted and has 1939 in the war. After his British captivity he reflected miserably through life. With his story "Leviathan" Schmidt enters 1949 in literature to the public.
Theater 1945:
/ / Bertolt Brecht
/ / Max Frisch
/ / Friedrich Wolf
/ / Ursula Herking
/ / Erich Kästner
/ / Günter Neumann
/ / Wolfgang Borchert ("The Man Outside")
/ / Carl Zucker ("The Devil's General")
/ / Günther Weisenborn ("The illegal immigrants)
Poetry 1945:
developed after the war, the poetry different from prose. The prose speaks to heal a world in ruins, in the lyric speaks of a "clear-cutting lyricism. The language is kept to a minimum, the man has only elementary objects of life. Apart from this clear-cutting and nature poems again find a permanent place in German poetry.
/ / Karl Krolow
/ / Günter Eich ("Inventory")
/ / Ilse Aichinger
/ / Nelly Sachs
/ / Gottfried Benn ("Static Poems")
/ / Peter Rühmkopf
The "Group 47" (Hans Werner Richter), a literary institution in the West and the literary magazine "Sinn und Form (Peter Huchel) in the east are trying to give a new direction in post-war Germany.
The Group 47 Group 47 was established in 1947 and is a free association of young writers, reinforced by publicists and journalists, by some painters and draftsman. The group has no ideological conception, it is a working group to exchange experiences, criticism of work and treat people contacts. The group consists of writers of the younger generation, the "betrayed" that were driven by their fathers in the war. They distance themselves from writers in exile, as the literary traditions were obsolete as the 20's. By purifying the language and voice criticism is to create a new literature. The group know of any political direction from him. It is the mirror image and counterpart of the Adenauer era.
followers of the group 47:
/ / Alfred Andersch
/ / Ingeborg Bachmann
/ / Günter Eich
/ / Heinrich Böll
/ / Ilse Aichinger
/ / Martin Walser
/ / Günter Grass
/ / Johannes Bobrowski
/ / Peter Bichsel
/ / Jürgen Becker
/ / Hans Magnus Enzensberger
/ / Reinhard Lettau
/ / Peter Weiss
meaning and form:
Huchel, editor, understands the magazine as a mediator between "inner" exile, as a bridge between German and international literature to the German literature extricate from their isolation. Peu à peu, he also published writings of West German writers, among other things, by Max Bense.
_Johannes R. Becher
_Paul Wiegler
_Romain Rolla
_Oskar Loerke
_Wladimir Mayakovsky
_Elio Vittorini
_Gerhart Captain
_Ernst Niekisch
_Hermann tunic
_____ the fifties.
_Eugen Gomringer (concrete poetry)
_Paul Celan
_Günter Kunert ("The clouds are white")
The development of the radio play is developing a new innovative branch. The radio is the cultural center of the family. Almost all the important writers of the fifties, writing radio plays.
_Ernst Schnabel
_Axel Eggebrecht
_Alfred Andersch
_Helmut Heissenbiittel
_____ poetry of the fifties.
_Bertolt Brecht
He was a convinced socialist, but never a member of the SED. Helen Weigel. A free rhythmic, pointed lyrics.
_Ingeborg Bachmann
In the early 50's an exciting new lyrical voice. Fascinating in its lyricism, the mixture of traditional and new forms of expression experiments.
_Johannes Bobrowski and Paul Celan
Both authors linked by their origin. In their poems they often describe the landscape of her childhood and youth. Her poetry ist gegen das Vergessen gerichtet, wesentliches Element ist der „Schatten“.
_____ Exprerimentelle Lyrik.
Mit der radikalen Reduzierung der Sprache auf ihre Buchstabenskelett versuchen seit Mitte der 50er Lyriker wie der Schweizer Eugen Gomringer, Helmut Heissenbüttel und die „Wiener Gruppe“ die festgelegte Bedeutung der Worte und Metaphern zu vertreiben, um einen neuen Sinn in jedem Wort bloßzulegen. Gegen alte Formkonventionen und Interpretationsschemata soll das Gedicht für sich stehen und eine eigenständige abstrakte Textur erhalten, die nicht mehr zitierbar ist. Die Wiener Lyriker beziehen sich auf die Dada-Kunst. Konstruktivistische Raumaufteilung, Zwischen Spielereien and provocation, new order units. Language evolves in new language, graphic arrangement, the sound of the word associative structures, the dissolution of meaning and syntax.
_Eugen Gomringer
_Helmut Heissenbiittel
_Ernst Jandl (talk poetry)
He words divided into syllables, stretches the vowels or consonants, remove them to meaningless distortions, he plays with dialect forms and the everyday language.
_____ Vienna group.
_Gerhard Rühm (trained musician and composer of serial music)
_Friedrich Achleitner
_Hans Carl Artmann
_Konrad Bayer
_Oswald Vienna
_____ novels of the fifties.
_Wolfgang Koeppen
_Arno Schmidt
_Alfred Andersch
_Hans Erich Nossack
_MAX fresh
_Heinrich Böll
_Uwe Johnson
_Günter Grass
_____ drama of the fifties.
_Friedrich Dürrenmatt
_MAX fresh
_Heiner Müller
_Heinar Kipphardt
_Peter Weiss
_Martin blocking
_____ Later authors.
_Franz Xaver Kroetz
_Martin blocking
_Rainer Werner Fassbinder
_Peter Handke (theater)
_MAX from the Green
_Günter Wallraff
_Bernt Engelmann
_Erwin Strittmatter
_Erik Neutsch
_Hermann Kant
_Christa Wolf
_Wolf Biermann
_Heiner Müller
_Stefan Heym
_Siegfried Lenz
_Martin Walser
_Uwe Johnson
_Jurek Becker
_Erich Fried
_Sarah cherry
_____ periods of German literature.
1880-1900 naturalism
(cross-currents Impressionism, fin de siècle, symbolism)
1890-1925 Heimatkunst
1910-1925 Expreessionismus
1918-1933 literature of the Weimar Republic
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