Friday, August 10, 2007

Brinks Safe 5056 How To Put In Combination

//Das Projekt: Malerei. Poesie. Musik.

the front page.
the introduction. All artists names at a glance.
... Detail of the opening page.
code system "key elements" in a detail shot.
code system "size and length" on a double page.
The painting by Anton Stankowski was brought on the basis of the encoding of Philip Glass to hear.
_____ the posters.
"bevel square" by Anton Stankowski.
coding of the criterion "key elements".

"The Easy Way" by Eugene Gomringer.

coding of the criterion "key elements".
"Mad Rush" by Philip Glass.
coding of the criterion "key elements".

the animation.
This animation shows the opening credits is a brief summary of general research. The contents of the main animation shows by means of short and easy steps, the function of the code system, how to get to the individual codes and how it is possible to make a painting or a poem heard.

(main animation is sometimes set to music.)

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Ivo Porcelain Figurine

//Das Gemälde, das Gedicht und das Musikstück.

the painting.
_____ Anton Stankowski.
18th June 1906 in Gelsenkirchen to 11 December 1998 in Esslingen am Neckar. He was a German graphic designer, photographer and painter. He taught sometimes in Ulm at the College of Design. The work in graphic design for IBM, SEL usw., besonders die „funktionelle Grafik“, haben beispielhaften Charakter. In den 60ern entstand das heute legendäre „Berlin-Layout“, das visuelle Erscheinungsbild der Stadt. Anton Stankowski war von 1969 bis 1972 Vorsitzender des Ausschusses für Visuelle Gestaltung der Münchner Olympiade. 1972 trat Karl Duschek in das Grafische Atelier in Stuttgart ein, das er seit 1975 leitet. Für Anton Stankowski gab es keine Trennung zwischen freier und angewandter Kunst. Viele seiner fotografischen und malerischen Werke flossen in seine gebrauchsgrafische Arbeit ein.
"Schräge im Quadrat".
1969, Siebdruck 17x12,5 cm.
Ein breites Band durchzieht schräg die Grundeinheit. A particular rotation sequence combines 16 of these basic units to a next higher order, which is now repeated. The two triangular faces per unit are occupied with three colors constantly changing arrangement.
_____ The poem
_____ Eugene Gomringer
20th January 1925 in Cachuela Esperanza, Bolivia, the son of a Swiss father and a Bolivian . He is considered the father of concrete poetry. He studied from 1944 to 1952 National Economics and History of Art in Bern and Rome. From 1954 to 1957 he worked as a secretary by Max Bill at the College of Design in Ulm. Since 1971 he is member of the Berlin Academy of Arts. In 2000 he founded the Institute for Constructive art and concrete poetry (ICCS) to his longtime home, the Upper Franconian Rehau. His collection formed the foundation of the Museum of Concrete Art in Ingolstadt.
"The Easy Way"
E. Gomringer used in his poem five different words that are repeated regularly. There is no real beginning and end of a sentence visible. The poem is variable to read.
_____ The piece of music.
_____ Philip Glass.
31st January 1937 in Baltimore, Maryland. He is an American musician and composer. It is composed Steve Reich, Terry Riley and LaMonte Young as the father of minimalist music and next to John Adams as the most important living American composer. Glass' music has more than any other living classical composers permeated the everyday world. Countless television soundtracks, commercials and advertising jingles imitate his style. His collaboration with Robert Wilson, a pioneer of multimedia is staging a musical work proves this as well as his frequent work as a film composer, just not only elitist and sophisticated art products, but also for mainstream movies like Candyman and The Truman Show .

"Mad Rush"
P. Glass used in his play a few elements. His work consists of re-
repetitions and shifts of tone.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Implantation Bleeding - Twins

//Das Codesystem. Analyse und erste Entwürfe.

To send us a possible code system for the various works of art to approach, we investigate in the first scribble the outer shape of the particular work of art. We analyze the structure, stylistic devices, the FOM and the elements. We also experiment with the first forms of visualization.

_____ painting analysis.
_____ scribbles.
The original, the painting by Theo van Doesburg .

breakdown of individual elements in the painting.

form and counter form in the painting, on the basis of colored and achromatic colors.

The shapes of the painting.

The main elements of the painting.

_____ analysis poem.
_____ scribbles.
The original, the poem "The Easy Way" by Eugene Gomringer .

size Form and counter form of the poem.

Visible basic forms in the poem.

The meter of the poem.

The individual syllables and accents.

The repetitions (words and verses) in the poem.

_____ analysis piece of music.
_____ scribbles.
The original "Mad Rush" by Philip Glass .

Individual elements in the song.

main elements, sizes and length in the song.

The main elements in the song.

The ups and downs of the music piece.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Irritated Hair Follicle On Thigh

//Quellenangaben der Recherche.

_____ books / magazines.
/ / Prestel Lexikon "art and artists in the 20th Century
/ / Font - sign - a gesture: Carl Friedrich Claus in the context of clover to Pollock "
/ /" image maps: with sketches, texts and pictures to the actual painting by Anton Stankoswki
/ / "text image - Caption "
/ /" Typography: Macro-and micro-aesthetics "
/ /" Typography: Formation + Transformation "
/ /" Mathematics in the art of the last thirty years - from the magic number on the endless belt to the computer program "
/ / "Kandinsky - teaching at the Bauhaus"
/ / Kurt Schwitters
/ / "Your dreams - my poetry: Eugen Gomringer and concrete poetry"
/ / "Ring New advertising designers, the Amsterdam exhibition
/ / Front-Gildewart" typography and advertising design "
/ /" Concrete Art: the collection Gomringer "
/ / square-Roman & other square things "
/ /" space-time characters - Trans-media projects "of Bertron & Schwarz
/ / visual texts: for the extension of the text the concept in concrete and after-specific visual texts"
/ / Font mixed pattern book "
/ /" Writing on the wall: word and image in modern art "
/ /" Compendium of alphabets: a system of writing "
/ / read Typography
/ /" Visual research: an introduction to the scientific methodology of graphic design "
/ /" the meaning and perception: how we our world understand "
/ /" What colors are on Hearts and Minds: color psychology, color symbolism, favorite colors, color design "
/ /" Illuminating video: an essential guide to video art "
/ /" minimalist design "
/ / Moving type: designing for time and space "
/ /" video cult / ures: multi-media installations of the 90s "
/ /" Thirty frames per second: the visionary art of the music video "
/ / Arno Schmidt and design: If a paper clip off so that should give consideration to "
/ / film + Design: Explain to design and apply the basic phenomena and dimensions of the film in design classes at the AGS Basel, Higher School of Design "
/ /" Metamagicum: Questions for the essence of spirit and structure "
/ /" Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid "
/ / "experimental formats. Books, brochures, catalogs "
/ / Experimental Format 2 Books, brochures, catalogs "
/ /" Crossing Boundaries - ways to Performance "(facet Ulrike Helmer Vlg)
/ / information design: insights into the working field
/ / information design Design and Typography at the Faculty of Applied Sciences Münster
/ / "passages. Criss-cross passes through the modern age: 3 vols "
/ /" Frost "by Lakshmi Bhaskaran
/ /": output 08 "
/ /": output 09 "
/ /" Altitude. Contemporary Swiss Graphic Design "
/ /" ANNA! "M. CD-Audio (DVD)
/ / "Touch Graphics by Rita Street and Ferdinand Lewis of

/ / Anton Corbijn - The Work Of Director ...
/ / The Work of Director Spike Jonze
/ / The Work Of Michael Gondry
/ / The Work Of Director Chris Cunningham

Friday, May 25, 2007

Kottaikal Oil For Hair

//Erkenntnisse aus der Recherche 02.

When researching the history of art in the 20th Century, we realized that this century was marked by a strong reduction in the abstract and concrete: a gradual liberation of any loyalty thing, the stylization of bewildering variety of forms, the working out of simple, strong shape elements and focusing on the essentials. There were also many interdisciplinary working artists, artists from different art forms worked together.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Burnt Orange Carpet Help Me In Living Room

//Besuch im Literaturmuseum in Marbach.

morning it started to recommend a very great museum, very much.

The building from outside.

Lots of great original manuscripts inside.

The automatic poetry by Hans Magnus Enzensberger.

works from the exhibition "Toying with words" by Enzensberger.