Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What Is The Best Receiver Brand 2010

stem cells or Stemcell - for what?

Revolutionary Stem-cell multiplier.

It is clinically proven to regenerate with an increased number of stem-cells of our bodies are unable to function and fulfill its original mission again. One of the most important problem of today's stem cell research is the proliferation of adult stem cells. If we can bring our body to produce a natural way myself more adult stem cells, then our bodies are the deficiencies that result from illness, accident or simply due to aging, correct yourself.

The more adult stem cells in the bloodstream are, the better it is for the body. Dies ist das Phänomen, das man kürzlich entdeckt hat. Der Körper hält sich dadurch jung und bringt sich in einen optimalen Gesundheitszustand wenn es im Blutstrom mehr Adulte Stammzellen gibt, so können auch die Regenerierungsprozesse unseres Körpers intensiviert werden.

Die Adulten oder Gewebestammzellen entstehen im Knochenmark und erfüllen elementare Funktionen bei der Regeneration unserer Organe. Mit fortschreitendem Alter verringert sich die Anzahl der Stammzellen erheblich, sie betragen mit 20 Jahren etwa 25 Mio. und sinken auf ca. 5 Mio. mit 60 Jahren. Die Verwendungsmöglichkeiten der Stammzellen sind für unseren Körper multifunktional. Sie können sich in jede Art von Zellen verwandeln und umwandeln, sie therefore JOKER or master cells are called.

are now more stem cells present in our bloodstream, then the renewal process of our body can intensify and the reduced ability to improve function of specific organs. Therefore, our effort is to restore the proliferation of institutions on its own stem-cells in your body.

researchers have succeeded in a product for the proliferation of stem cells to find. The product has been patented (U.S. patent on 9 Nov. 2004, No. U.S. 6,814,961 B1) and (published "Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine" in Sept. 2007) in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study tested. After an hour, an increase of about 25-30% more stem cells was measured in the blood.

The product is sold through network marketing, interested parties (particularly doctors, medical practitioners and other professionals, and executives) should please contact our team for more details, we invite you to talks or conference call (Web Conference) a.

But not only humans need a higher number of stem cells, even our pets benefit from this!

stem helper

Hartmut Schulz